Monday 20 April 2015

day five in space


        I will be in space for seven more months as of a week from               today i am already am missing being on earth I am amazed
     from everything and I know that it is a once in a life                             time opportunity  

day four in space

     For the food here it is all pre made because you      can't cook in space. Yet that doesn't mean you can't still have some your favorite foods. You can have foods such as brownies, lobster, and even bacon!  


Friday 17 April 2015

day three in space

        Breakfast for astronauts is very different compared to our regular cereal and milk. They often have to use straws for a large quantity of their food. Astronauts also need to use straws for all their liquids.    


Thursday 16 April 2015

day two in space


                 It is very important for astronauts to stay in shape as they often spend several months in space where the amount of walking dramatically decreases. It is especially important to work your legs out as you can see in the picture below.   


Wednesday 15 April 2015

day one in space

           I am in space and I will be the first person on Jupiter 
            we are studying Jupiter and its ring.  
           I find that it is much different than living on                                       Earth, as the climate and the landscape is much                                more different than what i'm used to.